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Photo of Alexei Marrero Gómez Cuba

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Alexei Gómez Marrero Formatura graduate specialties, amateur photographer. Member of the Cuban Fund of the photographic image. Exhibitions * 2009 A Legend Veguero Galera Municipal San Luis, Pinar del Ro .* 2009 against Korda Galera, Pinar del Ro .* 2008 Genuine Casa del Habano Ron House, Varadero, Matanzas 2008 .* Genuine Casa del Habano and Ron House, 2008 .* Pinar del Ro Culture House Times Sandino, Pinar del Ro 2008 .*...

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Alexei Gómez Marrero Formatura graduate specialties, amateur photographer. Member of the Cuban Fund of the photographic image. Exhibitions * 2009 A Legend Veguero Galera Municipal San Luis, Pinar del Ro .* 2009 against Korda Galera, Pinar del Ro .* 2008 Genuine Casa del Habano Ron House, Varadero, Matanzas 2008 .* Genuine Casa del Habano and Ron House, 2008 .* Pinar del Ro Culture House Times Sandino, Pinar del Ro 2008 .* Times Art Gallery in Los Palacios, Pinar del Ro .* 2008 In situ Galera Korda, Pinar del Ro. 2008 conviction Culture House Road, Pinar del Ro .* 2008 Pure Art Crafts Expo passion for traveling several municipalities in Matanzas. Contrast 2007 Provincial Centre of Houses of Culture, Pinar del Ro .* * Exhibitions estn works composed by the three Marreros (Leisy, Armando and Alexei) participation in Fairs and Competitions: 2009 Provincial Salon UNEAC Tiburcio Lorenzo, Pinar del Ro. 2009 Provincial Salon Fidelio Ponce de Len, Sandino, Pinar del Ro Salon December 14th 2008 Galera Arturo Regueiro, Pinar del Ro. 2008 Provincial Salon October 20, Pinar del Ro. ACAA Colonial Art Salon 2008, Pinar del Ro 2008 Salon de Mayo, Los Palacios, Pinar del Ro. Atilano Provincial Salon 2008 San Luis Armenteros, Pinar del Ro. 2008 Salon Pure Art, Matanzas. 2008 Format: Little Salon Provincial Center of Visual Arts Prov Pinar del Ro. 2008 Provincial Salon UNEAC Tiburcio Lorenzo, Pinar del Ro. 2008 Provincial Salon Fidelio Ponce de Len, Sandino, Pinar del Ro 2008 Salon Provincial Landscape, Road, Pinar del Ro. Salon 14 December 2007 Galera Arturo Regueiro, Pinar del Ro. ACAA Colonial Art Salon 2007, Pinar del Ro. Awards and Honors Earned: 2009 Mention Prov Salon Fidelio Ponce, Sandino, Pinar del Ro. 2008 Colonial Art Salon Mention ACAA, Pinar del Ro. 2007 Colonial Art Salon Mention ACAA, Pinar del Ro. Other events: participation at the conference on contemporary photography: Between the affirmation of gender and the dissolution of the digital taught by Dannys Montes de Oca (Criticism, curators and specialists Lam Guilfredo center) Apreciacine Seminar History of Cuban Photography provided by Rufino Valdez Valley Bachelor, Specialist and Historian of the Photo Library Cuba.

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